launch here
what I do and how much I charge
tales of the Earth Life Foundation
American lotus
art & stories
black horses
Sea Ponies of Chincoteague
Just Animals
playing with water
Tradigital illustration
environmental education
Christmas Magic Mural 2020
animal alphabet and counting murals
Assateague ponies
the salamander room
more touch room ocean
more: touch room forest
wetland art
reptile week murals: Nixon Park
just animals: photography
Tales of the E.L.F.
That Darn Elf, a musing or two
cast and crew
I dreamed of black horses
fanfiction: If Wishes Were Elves...
Following Raven
The Merrow's Cap
Merrows Cap credits
Manannan's Horses
Radagast's Rabbit Ride
the Lone Ranger
LOLs and Trolls
but wait, there's Moore, and Silverheels
Hi Yo Silver
black panthers and night furies
tales of Middle Earth
well, that coulda' been worse
catz and doges on fandom
Faithful Sidekicks
coloring pages
mermaid tales
Gramma Swordwhale's Mermaid Blog
how to mermaid
merfolk on the Chesapeake
my life as a mermaid
privateers and pumpkins and ponies oh my!
stupid gravity (the adventures of a mermaid on Eastern Neck Is.)
stupid gravity credits
stupid gravity: the search for sea glass
stupid gravity: the search for sea glass: credits
Stupid Gravity: Misty Cloudy Windy Stormy Augh!
Misty Stormy credits
Stupid Gravity: the search for mermaids
mermaids, Moana and Maui, beached on Christmas Eve
horseshoe crabs forever
stupid gravity: hot hot hot
hot hot hot credits
A Beginner's Guide to the islands
back to the islands 2021
Ponies 2021
identify that pony
chincoteague pony art
Fall Roundup Oct 2019
Chincoteague 2019
pookas pumpkins and swamp ponies
Chincoteague Carousel
Chincoteague November 2018
the 3rd Sea Voyage of Makenuk's Fin
wild horses and kayaks 2017
wild ponies in camp
North Beach
on island time
saltwater cowboys
Christmas by the Sea
island ponies
Ace and Unci revolt
running water in between
Assateague Light
the Haunted Lagoon
crafty stuff
customizing riders and other characters
Wonder Horse repaint
Rich Toy hobby horse rehab
photo your toys
how to photograph Breyers in the wild
welcome to Hawk Circle: telling stories with model horse photography
more Hawk Circle
take your models to the beach
Lokigator and Throg's Epic Adventure
Sam and Bucky's Excellent Adventure
Mando and Grogu
paint and wet snow pants
Legolas and Hwin, snow
derps (or how not to photograph Breyers and others)
wild Breyers
printable prints and downloads
water horses
beach Breyers
Lotus Legolas and Arod
teeny tiny Breyers
backyard Breyers and Schleichs
vintage breyers
Hartland Horses
Black Horses
educational display
Schleich and Safari Faeries
North beached
more model horses
beach party
Finding Hank
Otterlock and Hedgejawn
Hounded in Baskerville
how to photograph your dragon
ModPodge rules
paint pours
flour salt clay
chalk paint
rock it: paint rocks and use or lose them
faerie gardens
more faerie gardens
faerie festival at Spoutwood Farm
sea this tutu (and make)
I found Dory
knit me a mermaid, or chicken, or Hei Hei
sea treasures
sea glass
sea horses
rehabbing horse epic fail
do you wanna build a snow pony?
do you wanna build a sand pony?
Barbie horse gets a makeover
mermaid saddles
Yule Laugh, Yule Cry...
a Brandywine Christmas
Uncle Bob's Toys
Uncle Bob's Toys 2016
more: Uncle Bob's Crafts
the Adventures of Mortimer
Go Play Outside
Nature Deficit Disorder
I heart Nature
autumn light
mushing 101
dogs on wheels
Autumn Run on Wheels
dogsledding: running on snow!
Groundhog Day
kids and dawgs: first sled run
Klondike Derby
Sled Dogs and Pirate Ships
Christmas Day Run: Rail Trail
Horses and Huskies: when predator and prey share the trail
Schipperke doo dah
Runnin' with the Big Dogs
Hobbit Husky
women who run with the wolves
Play Time
wubba wubba
New Year's Dog Day
Team Swordwhale
trains, sleddogs, and horses oh my!
butterscotch and sprinkles
horse reference for art
ponies small but mighty
First Horse: Saraf
the Wild Black Mare
between thunder and lightning
Goliath, Nevada Mustang
Planet Water
Planet fish tank
planet toadpool
Planet Pond
Under the Lake
Planet Stream
Planet River
Planet Marsh
Planet Ocean
Planet Water Bird
Planet Water Bird: gulls
Planet turtle
Planet water snake
planet amphibian
blue boat home
kayaking 101
favorite good boats
some kayak videos
kayaking Assateague and Chincoteague
how to train your dragonfly
Chasing Raven
the Susquehanna River
the Rock Garden
return to the Rock Garden
Conewago Dreamin'
the Conejehola Flats
Thunderbird Island (petroglyphs on the Susquehanna)
to the White Lady and Beyond
Calvert Cliffs fossils
Sassafras River Lotus Paddle
Return to the Sassafras
sassafras river 2015
sassafras paddle 20160814
Sassafras River 2017
Sassafras river 2018
Eastern Neck Island
winter marsh, winter beach
Eastern Neck Island: under the supermoon
more Eastern Neck Island
Pinchot Park
Lake Marburg
where are the manatees?
...and the dolphins???
macros and SAVs
Lake Marburg 2018
how to be a kayaking Gramma
dive in! (SCUBA)
Gourd of the Rings
mid Atlantic seashells
longship company
December sail
Sae Hrafn at Oakley
pirates and privateers
Sailing 101
Schooner Sultana 1768
Capt John Smith Shallop
Pride of Baltimore II
Kalmar Nyckel
downrigging 2010
Chestertown autumn
Downrigging Weekend 2014
Downrigging 2015
Downrigging 2016
Downrigging 2017
downrigging 2018: pink tardis
Downrigging 2019
privateer weekend
horseshoe crabs and red knots
horseshoe crab spawn 2021
slaughter beach
horseshoe crabs and semipalmated sandpipers 2019
surfboards and watchtowers: Cape Henlopen
Watching Whales
Watching Whales...again
Seadogs: Newfoundland water trials
wind hounds
wild things!
baltimore aquarium
there's a hummer in the garage...ceiling ...
critter cam
sky walking
The Adventures of the Good Ship Fearaf
the incredibly dead blog page
art class
framing 101
watercolor: how to
sip n paints
acrylic painting 101
wildlife art class
Santa, You're Doomed
(drawing) horses 101
horse color 101
ponies in motion
Draw: a horse
dogs and wolves
go ahead, draw a pirate ship
anthropomorphism (cartoon animals and stuff)
the Little Kids Page of Big Ideas
mural: how to
Gabriel's Whale
stuff you need
drawing (mural)
drawing mural 2
mural jungle
mural bat cave
mural cats
mural ocean
mural arctic
mural leaf smacking
watershed mural
crayons and colored pencils
wait wait! let me get the camera!
who perpetrated all this???
winter marsh, winter beach
A journey to Eastern Neck Island in December of 2015.