critter cams
Bald eagle nest near Lake Marburg (Codorus State Park PA). 2015 saw great images like the female totally covered with snow while incubating her eggs, and the Epic Fail when one of the fledglings batted the camera so it pointed down until they had all left. Photo: probable eagle feather on Big Indian Rock, Susquehanna river.
The National Zoo has a lot of great info on its site, as well as cool webcams to peek in one various critters without leaving your living room. (Take a look online, then take a trip to the zoo if you can; and carry a camera or sketchbook to enhance your experience). Most animals are best seen during the day, but the kiwi only forages at night (along with a few mouse friends), and the clouded leopard can be seen at night in the Virginia facility, resting on its "tree branch".
Peregrine falcons nesting atop the Rachel Carson Building in Harrisburg PA. (they would traditionally nest on cliffs, but a big building does just fine, and there are lots of pigeons to eat). Listen to the city noises in the backgound: the Peregrines have adapted well to a human environment. (and yeah, that's not a peregrine in the photo: raptor from Point Lookout State Park, probably a young eagle).
Various raptor webcams on one page: eagles, owls, kestrels, falcons. Also facebook, nest calendar and band lookup. Related to Raptor Resource Project, Decorah Eagle Cam.