go outside and play with your toys
The Chesapeake Bay is a short day trip away, I live at the top of it, in the Susquehanna River watershed.
Eastern Neck Island National Wildlife Refuge is a tiny island at the end of the Chester River at it opens into the Bay. You can see the Bay Bridge from there.
I shot most of the pics on this story at Bogle's Wharf on E-Neck... you can launch a boat from a trailer or cartop, like my kayaks, paddle around the island, or northish to a hidden beach on the river side of the island. There are woods and marshes, bay beaches and quiet river shores, ospreys and eagles and other wildlife.
Some of the pics were shot earlier on Assateague Island (the marsh explorers, the sandpiper) and at Slaughter Beach DE (where the horseshoe crabs roam).
Some pics were photoshopped; pics of mermaids on horses were shot against blue or green screen (make your own by painting a board or using a piece of cloth), then worked into earlier pics.
The oceanic view was shot on a huge blue sheet sprawled in the yard, then "smudged" on Photoshop (the blue was smeared to look more oceanic).
Take your toys out and play. Be aware they'll get wet and maybe some burrs. Keep the xcamera at eye level. Notice where your characters eyes are looking. Pose with dowel rods, pipe cleaners (Remove later in Photoshop). Shooting "between the ears" is a favorite of horsemen, it works for models too.
Kai and Genevieve are Our Generation model horses (American Girl scale) rescued from thrift shops and yard sales and repainted.
Eastern Neck Island National Wildlife Refuge is a tiny island at the end of the Chester River at it opens into the Bay. You can see the Bay Bridge from there.
I shot most of the pics on this story at Bogle's Wharf on E-Neck... you can launch a boat from a trailer or cartop, like my kayaks, paddle around the island, or northish to a hidden beach on the river side of the island. There are woods and marshes, bay beaches and quiet river shores, ospreys and eagles and other wildlife.
Some of the pics were shot earlier on Assateague Island (the marsh explorers, the sandpiper) and at Slaughter Beach DE (where the horseshoe crabs roam).
Some pics were photoshopped; pics of mermaids on horses were shot against blue or green screen (make your own by painting a board or using a piece of cloth), then worked into earlier pics.
The oceanic view was shot on a huge blue sheet sprawled in the yard, then "smudged" on Photoshop (the blue was smeared to look more oceanic).
Take your toys out and play. Be aware they'll get wet and maybe some burrs. Keep the xcamera at eye level. Notice where your characters eyes are looking. Pose with dowel rods, pipe cleaners (Remove later in Photoshop). Shooting "between the ears" is a favorite of horsemen, it works for models too.
Kai and Genevieve are Our Generation model horses (American Girl scale) rescued from thrift shops and yard sales and repainted.