I've been going to the islands of Chincoteague and Assateague since 1972, the last year Misty of Chincoteague was alive. I read those Marguerite Henry books (and every other horse book I could find) in grade school. I've gone back to the islands, hiking, camping, backpacking, kayaking, and inadvertently riding in the Fall Roundup one year.
I've got more photos of Chincoteague Ponies than you want to know about.
I also grew up on ponies and horses and drew them over the years.
There are lots of great artists on the islands, and off, who do photography and art of the ponies.
I'm doing it a little different.
I've always been a "mermaid"... as a kid, my family (PA German) referred to mischievous kids as "nix-nook"... nixies, nokks, and several other versions of the word are fae water spirits, often appearing as horses. Hippocampus is the Greek myth version, and is the scientific name for actual seahorse fish. Over the years I've kayaked, scuba dived, snorkeled and explored the islands as well as the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, where I live in southcentral PA. I also mermaid whenever I can put on a tail and slip into the water...
These are watercolor, with Prismacolor pencil (and occasionally a bit of acrylic) on vellum bristol paper. Most are 8x10".
Email me or facebook me to see what the latest pieces are, or order a custom one.
[email protected]
facebook: Teanna Byerts https://www.facebook.com/swordwhale
I've got more photos of Chincoteague Ponies than you want to know about.
I also grew up on ponies and horses and drew them over the years.
There are lots of great artists on the islands, and off, who do photography and art of the ponies.
I'm doing it a little different.
I've always been a "mermaid"... as a kid, my family (PA German) referred to mischievous kids as "nix-nook"... nixies, nokks, and several other versions of the word are fae water spirits, often appearing as horses. Hippocampus is the Greek myth version, and is the scientific name for actual seahorse fish. Over the years I've kayaked, scuba dived, snorkeled and explored the islands as well as the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed, where I live in southcentral PA. I also mermaid whenever I can put on a tail and slip into the water...
These are watercolor, with Prismacolor pencil (and occasionally a bit of acrylic) on vellum bristol paper. Most are 8x10".
Email me or facebook me to see what the latest pieces are, or order a custom one.
[email protected]
facebook: Teanna Byerts https://www.facebook.com/swordwhale
While these are primarily watercolor, I also use acrylics (both craft and artist's, the difference is artist's acrylics are translucent while craft ones are opaque), Prismacolor pencil for linework, but also for dashes of color. A touch of white tempera or acrylic may be used to throw in some white highlights if they vanish. Folk Art Colorshift paints are translucent and iridescent... used minimally they can be fun. I am not afraid of the crayon either.
I do extensive drawing first, using various photos (mine and others, but never copy anyone else's photo!), models (Breyer, Schleich and Safari have realistic models that can help with body structure, shapes in perspective etc. And my own ponies, past and present.
I do extensive drawing first, using various photos (mine and others, but never copy anyone else's photo!), models (Breyer, Schleich and Safari have realistic models that can help with body structure, shapes in perspective etc. And my own ponies, past and present.