In Middle Earth, Imladris (or, Rivendell, where Elves yet dwell, in glades beneath the misty fell...) is a pit stop on the Road to Adventure, a Sanctuary from Nazgul, raiding orcs, wargs, and the sad fact that Fili and Kili forgot their shampoo, Oin has used up all the ponies' mane and tail conditioner, and Nori ran out of hairspray. Here's a wee break from the rampaging trolls, a few LOLs I've perpetrated. Click on Bofur's hat for more (mine and other fans'). Yes, Bofurisms rule...
James Nesbitt, the actor behind Bofur's quirky grin, optimism, and childlike sense of wonder (" Well, bless me! The legends are true! Giants! Stone giants!") said in an interview: "you go into the makeup trailer looking like George Clooney... and come out looking like Bofur..." to which a fangirl replied: Bofur > George Clooney. Yep. See above memes. That's why.
The 2013 Oscars
The Hat
The meme below appeared on my tumblr feed. I did not invent it. I did, however, snort tea all over my screen when I saw it. So here it is. Take heed guys, a hat can make all the difference. Now, where's that sheepskin and my scissors...
More on the Epic Hat. Below, Jayne (Firefly), Bofur (The Hobbit), and of course, Sherlock Holmes. It's the Hat guys, really...
Martin Freeman (Bilbo, Watson in that Sherlock Holmes TV series). >D
Hobbit film: Bilbo, grabbing doiley from Dwarf who is about to use it as a dishrag, "That's crochet!" To which Bofur replies cheerfully, "Great game, if you've got the balls for it..." Let's see who's got the biggest mallet...