David Michael (Mike) Shaughnessy
Swordwhale (walking on land): Marine biologist, underwater filmaker, educator... and orca shapeshifter. He won't say how old he is, but he did watch the first humans cross the Bering Land Bridge. He often deflects questions about his specific ethnic identity... since he isn't actually human. He is most familiar with peoples of the Pacific: he hung out with Polynesian navigators, lived on the various coasts of North America (northwest coast is a favorite, where in Kwakiutl, he was known as Mak-eh-nuk), and he swam to China more than once. In orca form, he lives in a world of sound. On land, in human form, he lives in a world of vision: he's Deaf. Martial artist, immensely strong (what part of "orca" do you not understand?) and can use sound to stun opponents (as real orcas do). Loves kids, hates ceilings (you can't surface through them). Likes boats if he doesn't have to go belowdecks. When he shifts from orca to human form, the six foot dorsal fin becomes a surfboard, kayak, canoe, waka, skipjack or other non-powered small boat. To return to orca form, he must have sufficient water, and the fin.
For Maori (New Zealand/Aotearoa/Polynesian) and Kwakwala (coastal Canada) pronounciations of "orca" or "swordwhale" click the pics...
For Maori (New Zealand/Aotearoa/Polynesian) and Kwakwala (coastal Canada) pronounciations of "orca" or "swordwhale" click the pics...
ZanReeks to be a teenager for decades (at least he's not a vampire; he'd be stuck at 17 forever), Elven teen Zan looks like a 14 year old, but has been around a few decades longer than that (he remembers Leave it to Beaver, Gunsmoke, and the original Star Trek). Has random skills in swordplay, archery, and creating believable illusions. Fries computers and other electronics if he forgets to shield. Loves animals and, like most Elves, can communicate with them. Has read Lord of the Rings a gazillion times.
Morgan the MerrowSwordfish Clan, teen (about a century and a half old), sometime underwater filmaker. The swordfish tail does not shapeshift into legs when he's on land, so he must use a wheelchair. He also uses illusions to disguise his true appearance (fins and bluey-grey skin). The red hat, woven by his mother at his birth, is what allows a merrow to breathe undersea. Finds human food fascinating and sometimes gross (they burn what? crabs should be eaten raw...). Wants to journey in the tardis.
EarlaShort, stout, immensely strong (like all Dwarves) teen aged Dwarf Earla helps her dad "Doc" fix and create new technology. She has advanced from the Age of Steam to the Age of Electronics. They've got some new stuff in the works that will solve many energy issues. She bakes killer brownies that will sustain you on the most arduous journey. She hates boats. Is having a Chrises (crisis spelled Chrises): Hemsworth, Pratt and Evans. Also has a thing for Martin Freeman.
ValValerie Schwatrz, rhymes with wartz, aka Moose. The oversized dorky kid who finds herself in the middle of an adventure on a wild black mare. Knows her way around Narnia and Middle Earth, has journeyed in the tardis (at least, in fanfiction), and can tell you more than you wanted to know about all the Star Treks. Totally Sherlocked and wants to clone Bakedabatch Cookiecrumble. And that Dwarf, Kili. Might be able to beat Rey in a lightsaber duel.
the Guardians of Hawk CircleThree Sisters: Salvage...
"Tas" WolfTas (Tashunka was the name she used back in the 19th century, walking among the Lakota) is a Pooka, a shapeshifter most often appearing as a horse or canine. Retrains "problem horses and dogs" by retraining problem humans. You want her on YOUR side in a fight. Loves chocolate, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, Tom Hiddleston, and Bakeabatch Cumbercookies and while while she'd like to see more films pass the Bechtel test, she's seen Avengers like 26487683 times...
Raven and WolfBrannan (Bran) Hrafenson ("Raven's son"), Elvish shapeshifter (Clan Ravenkin) and human buddy team member Ian Greenleaf; saving the world from the Hordes of Doom...or just educating the next generation about caring for the planet.
In biology, ravens and wolves have a partnership: ravens (keen vision, flight) lead wolves (speed, endurance, strength) to potential prey, then share the kill. In mythology, from Norse to Northwest Coast, they are also closely associated. Bran: pilot, educator, skilled swordsman, collector of comics and action figures. Likes any kind of junk food except Cheetos. Can mimic any sound effect (does great imitation of Yoda, Chewie, and Captain Jack). Don't let him near your electronics (computers, cell phones...) like all Elves, he channels energy in weird ways and fries tech. He's lived quite a long time, so taking him to a film with a historical setting can be dangerous... get the extra large scavenger sized bucket of popcorn so you can stuff it over his head. Ian: copilot, educator, skilled martial artist, musher (with two Malamutes: Keet and Skana), webcomic artist, hates junk food. Wanted to be a Jedi when he was a kid. Is now sidekick to ex-privateer Elven ranger who screeches to a halt at every yard sale looking for action figures he missed.. Sea Wolves and FlyersBran has sailed on a multitude of ships from Viking age to modern historic-reproduction sail training vessels. His favorites have been the "schooners, pilot boat built" or "sharp built schooners" of the War of 1812, known, years later, as Baltimore Clippers, for their port of origin, and their speed and agility. He's sailed on: The Silver Raven (a true Baltimore built clipper), The Black Mare (not a ship of wood and hemp, but a shapeshifter; one of Mannanan's Horses), and The Roane (a Celtic word meaning selkie, or seal shapeshifter, this ship incorporates technology from several centuries). "Sea wolves" had letters of marque and commandeered enemy ships and goods. "Flyers" ran blockades with their own goods to sell in friendly ports.
Kai and CompanyHe found his way through a Dragongate, seeking help to save his island from hordes of Unseelie leaking out of a rift crated by one of his own people. Kai and his band eventually return to Hawk Circle to stay, and teach the "Secondborn"... humans.
Wicked cool swordsman, archer, loves books, video games, movies. He doesn't fit well in theaters, even in disguise. Grumble grumble grumble. Annoyed that he couldn't catch Ant Man in theaters. |
(You And Whose Army)
One of the Guardians of Hawk Circle: he appears most of the time, to be a cute, short, stout, fuzzy black and white tobiano pinto Shetland Pony. Looks are deceiving. Very deceiving.
The pony version is a small Schleich I repainted. the unicorn version is a Sculpey sculpture by Vicki Wyman. I traded some art for a unicorn, any Wyman unicorn. She made YAWA. The horn is either a turret or auger shell from the mid-Atlantic coast, the eyes are ruby glass.
Other Fun Stuff: aka Play With Your Toys
not part of the ELF canon... maybe
Otterlock and Hedgejawn
Fans of the BBC Sherlock series began to post pics of Sherlock and Watson as an otter and a hedgehog. I happen to have some otters and hedgehogs... http://www.swordwhale.com/otterlock-and-hedgejawn.html
Stupid Gravity: a mermaid's blog
Mermaids explore land with seahorses...slippery seahorses with minds of their own. Several stories here under "Play With Your Toys", and some on my Inkitt page. http://www.swordwhale.com/stupid-gravity-the-adventures-of-a-mermaid-on-eastern-neck-is.html
Don't let your toyz...eh..collectibles sit on a shelf, take them out and have some adventures. The large horses are Our Generation horses (nicer than the same scale American Girl horses) found at yard sales and thrift shops, and rehabbed/repainted. The smaller ponies are Johnny West horses from the 60s, some repainted. The mermaids are Douglas, Aurora, and at least one mystery mermaid from the Baltimore Aquarium (I can't find her tags or model online). "Muir" is a fabulous cloth doll found in a bargain bin at a thrift shop, I have no idea who made her. The Hippo of Happiness belongs to a friend who does a local (York PA) cable access TV show called Knowledge is Power, which deals with various human rights and social issues. She also sometimes brings along two mermaids whose names I do not know (an Aurora and a Groovy Girls Melissa mermaid). Toothless is from the How To Train Your Dragon movies and TV series, the small figures fit in your hand, making it challenging to get good photos, but his expressions and poses are fabulous. Hank starred in Finding Dory. He's a septopus (he only has seven legs). He has a great expression and makes zen gardens on the beach, sometimes using rocks with mandalas or Hawaiian words. Occasionally Moana (and sometimes Maui) show up to hula on the beach. Or even Lilo and Stitch. Or Legolas (the two different scale action figures fit on Breyers and Johnny West horses). Otterlock and Hedgejawn were inspired by BBC Sherlock's fandom's memes in which Sherlock and Watson are an otter and a hedgehog, I already had the plushies. A blue scarf and sweater ("jumper" in British) make the characters recognizable. Surfer Dude is a famous Chincoteague stallion, the plush version of a descendant came form the Chincoteague Wildlfie Refuge's visitor's center. Misty and Stormy (of Chincoteague) are vintage Breyers bought on Chincoteague years ago. Bagheera is a plush panther someone gave to me. The sea turtle is a find from a thrift shop.There are also some seals, orcas, and a bunny sled.
Yes, a bunny sled. Works for mermaids too.
All of the characters can be Photoshopped slightly to change expressions etc.
I have other sea creatures and laying everyone out on a blue sheet might make for some nice "underwater adventures"
Yes, a bunny sled. Works for mermaids too.
All of the characters can be Photoshopped slightly to change expressions etc.
I have other sea creatures and laying everyone out on a blue sheet might make for some nice "underwater adventures"