”those trusty pop-culture pals who forever trail in the shadow of alpha figures but often win the hearts of fans”
Every Sherlock must have his Watson. Every Ranger must have his quick-witted, keen-eyed Scout, armed with the best cheekbones in Middle Earth or the Old West. Every Elf must have his Dwarf, every Hobbit Ringbearer his Gardener. Every starship Captain must have a Science Officer who keeps him from blowing stuff up randomly. Every Space Pirate/Cowboy must have his Wookiee who serves as a moral compass. Every Ogre must have his Donkey. Every Otterlock must have his Hedgejawn.
The Sidekick supports the Hero, keeps him on course when he falters, grounds the Hero, often shows faith when the Hero loses it, often provides comic relief when the Hero is too serious, or is the “straight man” giving responses that enable the humor of the Hero. He gives the Hero someone to talk to, or, like Watson, narrates the tale, allowing the Hero to explain his actions.
...and when the Hero's Fatal Flaw surfaces, it is the Sidekick who saves the day.
Henceforth, some memes, (especially Rangers and their sidekicks), some tangled character lines (perhaps spoken by other sidekicks), and a chance to give Tonto the dialog he should have had.
The Sidekick supports the Hero, keeps him on course when he falters, grounds the Hero, often shows faith when the Hero loses it, often provides comic relief when the Hero is too serious, or is the “straight man” giving responses that enable the humor of the Hero. He gives the Hero someone to talk to, or, like Watson, narrates the tale, allowing the Hero to explain his actions.
...and when the Hero's Fatal Flaw surfaces, it is the Sidekick who saves the day.
Henceforth, some memes, (especially Rangers and their sidekicks), some tangled character lines (perhaps spoken by other sidekicks), and a chance to give Tonto the dialog he should have had.
"Riders! Many riders on swift steeds..." Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, The Riders of Rohan, conversation between Aragorn the Ranger and Legolas the Elven scout. Yup. Archetypes remain the same.
"The Lone Ranger: Trouble in Town (#3.30)" (1953) Tonto: My friend do many things people not expect him to.
Disney Lone Ranger, 2013:
John Reid: Why're you taking to that horse? Why am I covered in dirt?
Tonto: I buried you.
John Reid: Why am I alive?
Tonto: Horse says you are a spirit walker. A man who's been to the other side and returned. A man who cannot be killed in battle.
"Me see snoke sniggles" an actual Jay Silverheels (Tonto, the TV series; Lone Ranger) line flub. He was supposed to say "Me see smoke signals." He was an intelligent, erudite, eloquent man who tried to get Hollywood to allow Tonto to speak without the fractured, article free English inflicted upon him. Sadly, it was the 50s, and Hollywood won.
"The Lone Ranger: The Lone Ranger Fights On (#1.2)" (1949)John Reid: I like that horse more than anything in the world, but if he wants to go, he should be free.
Tonto: Him a beauty. Like mountain with snow - silver-white.
John Reid: Silver. That will be a name for him.
Gary Larson did a Far Side cartoon featuring a retired Lone Ranger reading an "Indian Dictionary" and discovering the true meaning of "Kemosabe". Johnny Depp's Tonto was much on the same track with "wrong brother". It originated as a name for a camp in Michigan, and supposedly meant trusty friend or scout.
"The Lone Ranger: Damsels in Distress (#1.39)" (1950)Tonto: Him not like other outlaws we chase. Him use foreign tricks.